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DREAM INTERNATIONAL (DI) is a Specially, Specifically and delicately designed Investment Consultancy Management Firm for People / Individuals / Companies who believe that MY money Should also work for ME.

This is best suited for Individuals / Indians living out of INDIA and Indians in India, As an Innovative Business Development Firm, promoting New, Small and medium scale entrepreneur projects (From Consultancy to finance) in different verticals for Indians in INDIA. Here we have Focused Primarily on Private Market Investment & Venture Management.  

Together with its affiliate (DREAMS GROUP) we deliver consistent returns on your investments, by investing the funds in different verticals of Businesses. We also manage / invest in several alternative investment / products to provide consistent returns.

Our goal is to deliver to our clients the services they need to achieve top-tier investment performance. Utilizing our global platform of information and networks, we work across strategies, geographies and sub-classes to ensure that our clients receive consistent, dynamic, balanced and thoughtful investment solutions & Services.

We build partnerships, takeover projects, Invest with Small and Medium Enterprises with talented entrepreneurs and individuals that are committed to building profitable businesses. We are active, long-term investors with significant experience as both operators and investors. Our funds have the flexibility to invest in both private Sector and Start up.

We bridge the gap between Investment, Business, Finance and Returns and this is done with our dynamic international base of limited partners like YOU, many of whom have the ability and forsightness to invest with us, provides DREAM INTERNATIONAL with the ability to undertake sizeable transactions and design Businesses from Birth to Growth.

We have established networks of technology, industrial and financial relationships which we leverage to promote the growth of our ventures. Although our investments are primarily within  INDIA ( Chandigarh, Punjab, Himachal and Uttarakhand), As we are growing we will consider exceptional opportunities operating on all india basis soon. Collectively, DREAM INTERNATIONAL has provided Business equity capital to over 64 different Verticals.
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